The Blood Brothers at the First Unitarian Church
This was my first time to First Unitarian and I was excited (which is a large understatement to say the least).
Got there early, like two hours early. Ah well, we were first in line. As the band vans pulled up the line began to fill in as more people came. Yapes made the bold movement of saying "Hello" to Johnny (one of the lead singers for the Blood Brothers) as he passed us. Then on the next pass Yapes asked him if they needed any help unloading their van and carrying their equipment. To our surprise Johnny said "Yes" and so we went over to the van and started carrying stuff in. Johnny and Jordan (the other lead singer) turned out to be really nice guys and at the end of moving all of their stuff inside, Alex and Yapes asked if they could buy shirts. Jordan came over and just gave them the shirts they wanted and wouldn't accept their money. He also asked if me and Joey wanted a shirt, but I didn't feel right about it, so I declined from accepting. Jordan even asked me if we had bought tickets yet. They're really nice guys and I enjoyed the chance to meet them.
So the doors opened and after a brief period of waiting the first band set up. I later learned that they were called The Chromatics. I don't know if it was their music type or what, but it just didn't flow for me. Possibly it could have been the problem they kept having with their drum machine. It would shut off in the middle of songs and without it they not only lacked tempo, but they could hardly keep the rhythm going and in the end would just give up and start over four to five times. I started to get really annoyed about how much time they were hogging with they're technical difficulties and petty monolyrical songs. Experimental? Indie Rock? Industrial? I was really confused. I didn't really like it. I didn't even know what the guy was singing. I was glad when they finished.
I don't know, when you can't get your drum machine to work for one song that consists of two words and a series of chords repeated over and over until the audiences brains are numb, and you have tried like 4 times to no avail; just give up. It's really annoying. The song wasn't even that great when they finally got it right. Maybe I'm being a little to critical, the band did have a lot of misfortune, such as a recent break up and a crappy drum machine. I just was really tired of listening to them, they weren't my style.
It took like half an hour or more for the next band, Kill Me Tomorrow, to set up, but I soon found out; it was well worth the wait. They were like industrial metal melting into a more emotional undertone. They filled the small room with ambience that sent chills through my bones. The modded drum set offered rapid firing rhythms that went ever changing.
The drummer and singer had like three drum machines surrounding him that he not only powered but also beat the shit of with his drum sticks. It looked like his actual drum set had been picked up at a yard sale and been rearranged to offer uses never before imagined. Random chimes were added with what looked like peices of a xylophone attached to the top of his drum set. His one drum machine just played out tempo like a metronome with speeds from 1 to 60. With the touch of his finger he could change the tone and speed of the rapid fire of hits per second. I've never seen or heard anything like this before and just being there, watching was truly amazing.
The guitarist and bassist offered more crazy chords and effects that I would have never thought possible on either instrument. Each had atleast 20-30 pedals stacked around them to change the tone or add echo or add a weird keyboard-type sound to their instrument. The girl took out a freaking metal pipe and just continued to run it along the strings of her bass in an attempt to make what sounded like a space ship taking off. The guitarist also played keyboard, but it was certainly not the normal sound you expect out of any electric keyboard.
It was quite amazing the expanse of their sound. With definite influences from Industrial pioneers such as Nine Inch Nails, Kill Me Tomorrow continued to bang out (literally) a strange tempo with equally strange effects and distortions that I had never thought possible before. Even the vocals cried out in their own individual distinct rhythm. The band seemed to consist of a vast amount of parts. I can only imagine how distressing it must have been to arrange such a configuration. Three people, one band, and I was unable to prevent myself from staring with my mouth half open, at such a disparate creation like nothing other.
Finally it was The Blood Brothers' turn to take the stage. Front right, I stood, they began with their "Check! CHECK! CHECK!!!". Immediately people began swaying as the melody took control of all disentangled bodies. I couldn't help but begin shaking my shoulders insistently back and forth in attempt to free myself from the powerful forces pushing themselves upon me from all around me. I couldn't help but shudder with delight as the drums crashed and the screams kicked in. It was sick as people swayed and danced and banged their heads and kicked and punched and dropped dead as The Blood Brothers went crazy on stage. People went stage diving. The singers went stage diving. The rhythm came hurtling down upon us.
It is all over the place. It is like speed metal with its quick paced banging. It is like thrash in how it causes you to get up and dance and maybe kick someone in the face. They scream and your ears might begin to bleed, but you continue to feel it rush through your body and only beg for more. It is only ironic that the band is made up of gay men. I mean yes, not all of them are gay, but the lead singers most definitely are. Not to be mocking them in anyway, I just have to laugh when they are fucking crazy and their music is fucking crazy and the people all around you are going fucking crazy, and its all powered by some guys who in any other place I would have made the folly of prejudging them as pansies. It really comes of no consequence in the end. Their music is freaking amazing. You have to get up and dance. You have to do something, it empowers your body to do things you didn't think you could do. I mean even on their slow songs, which they played a couple of, I had to start slow dancing. I even started a fucking slow dance. There were like four guys ahead of me who turned around, looked at me with a vague expression on their face, and then copied what I was doing. Who the hell knows why, but it was fun, I had fun.
I don't know I always get kind of corny when I talk about music. I talk about an experience, not so much a sound. But that is just how I feel when I'm in a small basement surrounded by a bunch of scenesters, listening and watching one of the greatest bands hardcore has to offer. There's so much going on in between harmonies and melodies that you just stand back and scream.
I don't know what feels harder, going to a Blood Brothers show or falling down out of the top of a 30 story high skyscraper onto the asperity of a concrete slab constructed underneath. I would not like to try the latter so I'll just go with the Blood Brother show.
They are fucking sick. That's the best I can sum things up. Oh yeah, and they played some songs off of their new CD, that will be coming out soon. Like 4 or 5 new songs. Judging by those songs, it is going to an amazing release.