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The YOU WISH YOU WERE AT THAT SHOW show review (YWYWATS) was started by Marshall. It began as an idea to keep record of the shows he'd seen, so that people who weren't able to make it to the show, heard what he had to say about the bands that played. Then he decided to publish the show reviews online. Each show review became much more unique, and Marshall's writing style developed. Also a new aspect of the site became clear, through writing reviews Marshall would be able to help promote bands and give them the exposure they deserved. He decided to offer the ability for others to post their reviews and make the website, somewhat of a community. Only a few friends gave permission for their reviews to be posted, but those reviews had already been in their LiveJournals. The website is still not a true community, but there is oppurtunity for it to become one. While one man tries to do it all, it just isn't possible. Marshall designed the site with the intention that others would help out and be as enthusiastic about writing reviews as he is. The direct result would be the combining of different writing styles (making the site that much more interesting), more shows reviewed and consequentally more bands promoted, and new friendships created. To this date his dream is yet to be fufilled.

The YWYWATS show review is centered in Ewing, New Jersey
Contact: email me at AIM Online Status Indicator MSN Online Status Indicator
Reviewers: Marshall
Reviews submitted by: Joey, Matt, Yapes
Photographs submitted by: Matt, Brian
Jobs Available: Show Reviews, CD Reviews, Interviews, Editor, Photographs

Send show information, news, application for a job or anything else to

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Music Tastes: tries to experiment with the far reaches of music, likes just about anything that sounds good.
Enjoys: walks on the beach, back massages, getting his ear drum blown to peices
Musical Instruments: can play the french horn, mellophone, trumpet, also plays a Fender Mexican Jazz Bass with a sunburst finish (his trademark)
Also: plays bass in the band Opposing Perfection, and is the cofounder of his side project, F. Scott and the Slickers featuring Amory Blaine the Egotist and Nick Carraway the Observer, where he plays the viola and sings.
End Note: Through my short lived life, I have become interested in almost all genres of music. I have come to hate the Commercial Pop Industry and all that it does to make money off of suckers and in the same turn, ruin styles of music. By almost all genres of music i mean all genres of music. Hell i've even come to like some Country (no not this new pop shit, but Country Swing, like "Disco Sucks" or songs about truckers). I've become the type of person that has no interest in having favorites. I refuse to have a favorite band, a favorite type of music. I listen to everything, why should I have a favorite. Besides, my feelings on favorites is that they get over played, and then die harsh, tragic deaths all alone. I have over 5000 MP3s on my computer, and my CD holder is almost full, all albums. I have kept an open-mind to everything, including music, people, etc, like always. Also I have never been a complete follower of anything, I've always liked things because I, myself liked them personally. I dress my own way, mind you, I don't really try to, I just do and I listen to what I like. I have influences, but in the long run they become combined, jumbled, and mashed together. I refuse to accept being labelled, to be part of a label. Personally I don't think I can be labelled, I mean I don't try to be anything, so it just doesn't work. All in all, I'm just Marshall Kavanaugh, the boy.

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All reviews are Copyright 2003 Marshall Kavanaugh. If you would like to use a review as reference, please give this website credit.